
Terms and Conditions

Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen builds technologies and services that enable people to connect with each other, build communities, and grow businesses. These Terms govern your use of Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen and the other products, features, apps, services, technologies, and software we offer, except where we expressly state that separate terms (and not these) apply. These Products are provided to you by Trimble & Ajayi LLC. We don’t charge you to use Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen or the other products and services covered by these Terms. Instead, businesses and organizations pay us to show you ads for their products and services. By using our Products, you agree that we can show you ads that we think will be relevant to you and your interests. We use your personal data to help determine which ads to show you. We don’t sell your personal data to advertisers, and we don’t share information that directly identifies you (such as your name, email address or other contact information) with advertisers unless you give us specific permission. Instead, advertisers can tell us things like the kind of audience they want to see their ads, and we show those ads to people who may be interested. We provide advertisers with reports about the performance of their ads that help them understand how people are interacting with their content. See Section 2 below to learn more. Our Privacy Policy explains how we collect and use your personal data to determine some of the ads you see and provide all of the other services described below. You can also go to your profile settings at any time to review the privacy choices you have about how we use your data.

1. The services we provide

Our mission is to give people the power to build community and bring the world closer together. To help advance this mission, we provide the Products and services described below to you: Provide a personalized experience for you: Your experience on Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen is unlike anyone else’s: from the posts, stories, events, ads, and other content you see in News Feed or our video platform to the Profiles you follow and other features you might use, such as Trending, Marketplace, and search. We use the data we have – for example, about the connections you make, the choices and settings you select, and what you share and do on and off our Products – to personalize your experience. Connect you with people and organizations you care about: We help you find and connect with people, groups, businesses, organizations, and others that matter to you across the Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen Products you use. We use the data we have to make suggestions for you and others – for example, groups to join, events to attend, Profiles to follow or send a message to, shows to watch, and people you may want to become friends with. Stronger ties make for better communities, and we believe our services are most useful when people are connected to people, groups, and organizations they care about. Empower you to express yourself and communicate about what matters to you: There are many ways to express yourself on Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen and to communicate with friends, family, and others about what matters to you – for example, sharing status updates, photos, videos, and stories across the Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen Products you use, sending messages to a friend or several people, creating events or groups, or adding content to your profile. We have also developed, and continue to explore, new ways for people to use technology, such as augmented reality and 360 video to create and share more expressive and engaging content on Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen. Help you discover content, products, and services that may interest you: We show you ads, offers, and other sponsored content to help you discover content, products, and services that are offered by the many businesses and organizations that use Sweet Exchanges Guaranteenn and other Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen Products. Section 2 below explains this in more detail. Combat harmful conduct and protect and support our community: People will only build community on Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen if they feel safe. We employ dedicated teams around the world and develop advanced technical systems to detect misuse of our Products, harmful conduct towards others, and situations where we may be able to help support or protect our community. If we learn of content or conduct like this, we will take appropriate action – for example, offering help, removing content, removing or restricting access to certain features, disabling an account, or contacting law enforcement. We share data with other Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen Companies when we detect misuse or harmful conduct by someone using one of our Products. Use and develop advanced technologies to provide safe and functional services for everyone: We use and develop advanced technologies – such as artificial intelligence, machine learning systems, and augmented reality – so that people can use our Products safely regardless of physical ability or geographic location. For example, technology like this helps people who have visual impairments understand what or who is in photos or videos shared on Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen. We also build sophisticated network and communication technology to help more people connect to the internet in areas with limited access. And we develop automated systems to improve our ability to detect and remove abusive and dangerous activity that may harm our community and the integrity of our Products. Research ways to make our services better: We engage in research to develop, test, and improve our Products. This includes analyzing the data we have about our users and understanding how people use our Products, for example by conducting surveys and testing and troubleshooting new features. Our Privacy Policy explains how we use data to support this research for the purposes of developing and improving our services. Provide consistent and seamless experiences across the Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen Company Products: Our Products help you find and connect with people, groups, businesses, organizations, and others that are important to you. We design our systems so that your experience is consistent and seamless across the different Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen Company Products that you use. For example, we use data about the people you engage with on Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen to make it easier for you to connect with them on our app, and we enable you to communicate with a business you follow on Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen chat. Enable global access to our services: To operate our global service, we need to store and distribute content and data in our data centers and systems around the world, including outside your country of residence. This infrastructure may be operated or controlled by Trimble & Ajayi LLC or its affiliates.

2. How our services are funded

Instead of paying to use Outdoorsy Black Women and the other products and services we offer, by using the Outdoorsy Black Women Products covered by these Terms, you agree that we can show you ads that businesses and organizations pay us to promote on and off the Outdoorsy Black Women Company Products. We use your personal data, such as information about your activity and interests, to show you ads that are more relevant to you. Protecting people’s privacy is central to how we’ve designed our ad system. This means that we can show you relevant and useful ads without telling advertisers who you are. We don’t sell your personal data. We allow advertisers to tell us things like their business goal, and the kind of audience they want to see their ads (for example, people between the age of 18-35 who like fishing). We then show their ad to people who might be interested. We also provide advertisers with reports about the performance of their ads to help them understand how people are interacting with their content on and off Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen. For example, we provide general demographic and interest information to advertisers (for example, that an ad was seen by a woman between the ages of 25 and 34 who lives in London and likes camping) to help them better understand their audience. We don’t share information that directly identifies you (information such as your name or email address that by itself can be used to contact you or identifies who you are) unless you give us specific permission. You can learn about how we collect and use your data in our Privacy Policy.

3. Your commitments to Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen and our community

We provide these services to you and others to help advance our mission. In exchange, we need you to make the following commitments: 1. Who can use Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen. When people stand behind their opinions and actions, our community is safer and more accountable. For this reason, you must:
  • Use the same name that you use in everyday life.
  • Provide accurate information about yourself.
  • Create only one account (your own) and use your timeline for personal purposes.
  • Not share your password, give access to your Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen account to others, or transfer your account to anyone else (without our permission).
We try to make Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen broadly available to everyone, but would like to outline who Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen is for:
  • You are 18 years old older.
  • You are a woman, identify as such or non-binary.
  • You are of Black/African Decent.
  • You are not a convicted sex offender.
  • We haven’t previously disabled your account for violations of our Terms or Policies.
  • You are not prohibited from receiving our products, services, or software under applicable laws.
2. What you can share and do on Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen. We want people to use Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen to express themselves and to share content that is important to them, but not at the expense of the safety and well-being of others or the integrity of our community. You therefore agree not to engage in the conduct described below (or to facilitate or support others in doing so):
  1. You may not use our Products to do or share anything:
    • That violates these Terms, our Community Standards, and other terms and policies that apply to your use of Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen.
    • That is unlawful, misleading, discriminatory or fraudulent.
    • That infringes or violates someone else’s rights, including their intellectual property rights.
  2. You may not upload viruses or malicious code or do anything that could disable, overburden, or impair the proper working or appearance of our Products.
  3. You may not access or collect data from our Products using automated means (without our prior permission) or attempt to access data you do not have permission to access.
We can remove or restrict access to content that is in violation of these provisions. If we remove content that you have shared in violation of our Community Standards, we’ll let you know and explain any options you have to request another review, unless you seriously or repeatedly violate these Terms or if doing so may expose us or others to legal liability; harm our community of users; compromise or interfere with the integrity or operation of any of our services, systems or Products; where we are restricted due to technical limitations; or where we are prohibited from doing so for legal reasons. To help support our community, we encourage you to report content or conduct that you believe violates your rights (including intellectual property rights) or our terms and policies. We also can remove or restrict access to your content, services or information if we determine that doing so is reasonably necessary to avoid or mitigate adverse legal or regulatory impacts to Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen. 3. The permissions you give us. We need certain permissions from you to provide our services:
  1. Permission to use content you create and share: Some content that you share or upload, such as photos or videos, may be protected by intellectual property laws. You own the intellectual property rights (things like copyright or trademarks) in any such content that you create and share on Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen and the other Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen Company Products you use. Nothing in these Terms takes away the rights you have to your own content. You are free to share your content with anyone else, wherever you want. However, to provide our services we need you to give us some legal permissions (known as a ‘license’) to use this content. This is solely for the purposes of providing and improving our Products and services as described in Section 1 above. Specifically, when you share, post, or upload content that is covered by intellectual property rights on or in connection with our Products, you grant us a non-exclusive, transferable, sub-licensable, royalty-free, and worldwide license to host, use, distribute, modify, run, copy, publicly perform or display, translate, and create derivative works of your content (consistent with your privacy and application settings). This means, for example, that if you share a photo on Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen, you give us permission to store, copy, and share it with others (again, consistent with your settings) such as service providers that support our service or other Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen Products you use. This license will end when your content is deleted from our systems. You can delete content individually or all at once by deleting your account. Contact us if you need assistance with how to delete your account. You can download a copy of your data at any time before deleting your account. When you delete content, it’s no longer visible to other users, however it may continue to exist elsewhere on our systems where:
    • immediate deletion is not possible due to technical limitations (in which case, your content will be deleted within a maximum of 90 days from when you delete it);
    • your content has been used by others in accordance with this license and they have not deleted it (in which case this license will continue to apply until that content is deleted); or
    • where immediate deletion would restrict our ability to:
      • investigate or identify illegal activity or violations of our terms and policies (for example, to identify or investigate misuse of our Products or systems);
      • comply with a legal obligation, such as the preservation of evidence; or
      • comply with a request of a judicial or administrative authority, law enforcement or a government agency;
  2. Permission to use your name, profile picture, and information about your actions with ads and sponsored content: You give us permission to use your name and profile picture and information about actions you have taken on Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen next to or in connection with ads, offers, and other sponsored content that we display across our Products, without any compensation to you. For example, we may show your friends that you are interested in an advertised event or have liked a Profile created by a brand that has paid us to display its ads on Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen. Ads like this can be seen only by people who have your permission to see the actions you’ve taken on Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen.
  3. Permission to update software you use or download: If you download or use our software, you give us permission to download and install updates to the software where available.
4. Limits on using our intellectual property. If you use content covered by intellectual property rights that we have and make available in our Products (for example, images, designs, videos, or sounds we provide that you add to content you create or share on Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen), we retain all rights to that content (but not yours). You can only use our copyrights or trademarks (or any similar marks) a with our prior written permission. You must obtain our written permission (or permission under an open source license) to modify, create derivative works of, decompile, or otherwise attempt to extract source code from us.

4. Additional provisions

1. Updating our Terms. We work constantly to improve our services and develop new features to make our Products better for you and our community. As a result, we may need to update these Terms from time to time to accurately reflect our services and practices. Unless otherwise required by law, we will notify you before we make changes to these Terms and give you an opportunity to review them before they go into effect. Once any updated Terms are in effect, you will be bound by them if you continue to use our Products. We hope that you will continue using our Products, but if you do not agree to our updated Terms and no longer want to be a part of the Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen community, you can delete your account at any time. 2. Account suspension or termination. We want Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen to be a place where people feel welcome and safe to express themselves and share their thoughts and ideas. If we determine that you have clearly, seriously or repeatedly breached our Terms or Policies, including in particular our Community Standards, we may suspend or permanently disable access to your account. We may also suspend or disable your account if you repeatedly infringe other people’s intellectual property rights or where we are required to do so for legal reasons. Where we take such action we’ll let you know and explain any options you have to request a review, unless doing so may expose us or others to legal liability; harm our community of users; compromise or interfere with the integrity or operation of any of our services, systems or Products; or where we are restricted due to technical limitations; or where we are prohibited from doing so for legal reasons. You can contact us to learn more about what you can do if your account has been disabled and how to contact us if you think we have disabled your account by mistake. If you delete or we disable your account, these Terms shall terminate as an agreement between you and us, but the following provisions will remain in place: Limits on liability. We work hard to provide the best Products we can and to specify clear guidelines for everyone who uses them. Our Products, however, are provided “as is,” and we make no guarantees that they always will be safe, secure, or error-free, or that they will function without disruptions, delays, or imperfections. To the extent permitted by law, we also DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TITLE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. We do not control or direct what people and others do or say, and we are not responsible for their actions or conduct (whether online or offline) or any content they share (including offensive, inappropriate, obscene, unlawful, and other objectionable content).We cannot predict when issues might arise with our Products. Accordingly, our liability shall be limited to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, and under no circumstance will we be liable to you for any lost profits, revenues, information, or data, or consequential, special, indirect, exemplary, punitive, or incidental damages arising out of or related to these Terms or the Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen Products, even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damages. Our aggregate liability arising out of or relating to these Terms or the Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen Products will not exceed the greater of $100 or the amount you have paid us in the past twelve months. 4. Other
  1. These Terms make up the entire agreement between you and Trimble & Ajayi, Inc. regarding your use of our Products. They supersede any prior agreements.
  2. Some of the Products we offer are also governed by supplemental terms. If you use any of those Products, supplemental terms will be made available and will become part of our agreement with you. For instance, if you access or use our Products for commercial or business purposes, such as buying ads, selling products, developing apps, managing a group or profile for your business, or using our measurement services, you must agree to our Terms. If you post or share content containing music, you must comply with our Music Guidelines. To the extent any supplemental terms conflict with these Terms, the supplemental terms shall govern to the extent of the conflict.
  3. If any portion of these Terms is found to be unenforceable, the remaining portion will remain in full force and effect. If we fail to enforce any of these Terms, it will not be considered a waiver. Any amendment to or waiver of these Terms must be made in writing and signed by us.
  4. You will not transfer any of your rights or obligations under these Terms to anyone else without our consent.
  5. These Terms do not confer any third-party beneficiary rights. All of our rights and obligations under these Terms are freely assignable by us in connection with a merger, acquisition, or sale of assets, or by operation of law or otherwise.
  6. You should know that we may need to change the username for your account in certain circumstances (for example, if someone else claims the username and it appears unrelated to the name you use in everyday life).
  7. We always appreciate your feedback and other suggestions about our products and services. But you should know that we may use them without any restriction or obligation to compensate you, and we are under no obligation to keep them confidential.
  8. We reserve all rights not expressly granted to you.

5. Event Liability Release & Hold Harmless Agreement

When you attend a Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen events you are in effect signing an Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen Release Agreement. The current version of that agreement is shown below. If you do not wish to sign (or have your name signed by the Ambassador) you will not be permitted to attend the event. This holds true for all attendees, Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen members, guests, and the general public. INTRODUCTION. Please read this entire Acknowledgment and Assumption of Risks, Release, and Indemnity Agreement (hereafter “Document”) carefully before signing. The adult participant (aged 18 years or older) (referenced as “I,” “my,” “me,” or “Participant”) who wishes to take part in any activity organized or facilitated by Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen must sign this Document prior to participation. In consideration of the services of Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen, a Georgia club/organization, and its officers, directors, trustees, advisors, employees, agents, representatives, volunteers, independent contractors, and all other persons or entities associated with it (individually and collectively, “Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen”), I acknowledge and agree as follows: ACTIVITIES, ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, AND ASSUMPTION OF RISKS. Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen organizes and facilitates year-round outdoor recreational and instructional activities. These activities may include, but are not limited to: hiking, backpacking, camping, trail running, ultra-running, bicycle touring, road cycling, mountain biking, canoeing, canyoneering, canyoning, coasteering, ice climbing, kayaking, mountaineering, alpinism, rafting, rock climbing, bouldering, downhill skiing, cross-country skiing, alpine touring, snowshoeing, fishing, stand-up paddleboarding, surfing, day or multi-day outdoor leadership retreats, educational events including Wilderness First Responder and Swift Water Rescue courses, and travel in non- Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen -affiliated vehicles (including my own vehicle) to and from activities, courses, or otherwise (collectively referred to as “Activities”). Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen organizes and facilitates year-round outdoor recreational and instructional activities. These activities may include, but are not limited to: hiking, backpacking, camping, trail running, ultra-running, bicycle touring, road cycling, mountain biking, canoeing, canyoneering, canyoning, coasteering, ice climbing, kayaking, mountaineering, alpinism, rafting, rock climbing, bouldering, downhill skiing, cross-country skiing, alpine touring, snowshoeing, fishing, stand-up paddleboarding, surfing, day or multi-day outdoor leadership retreats, educational events including Wilderness First Responder and Swift Water Rescue courses, and travel in non- Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen -affiliated vehicles (including my own vehicle) to and from activities, courses, or otherwise (collectively referred to as “Activities”). Activities may take place in changing outdoor environments in Georgia, in other locations in the United States, and/or in other countries such as Canada. Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen’s Ambassadors (“Volunteers”) organize Activities on a casual, meet-up-style basis. I acknowledge that Volunteers are not employees or agents of Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen, are not required to have medical or other Activity-related training, and acknowledge that Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen is not legally liable or responsible for Volunteers’ conduct. In addition, Activities take place on land not owned or controlled by Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen. Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen does not oversee or take responsibility for any aspect or condition of Activity locations. Participating (whether attending, observing, or actively participating) in Activities includes risks. I acknowledge that Activities include inherent and other risks, hazards, and dangers (collectively referred to as “Risks”) that can cause injury, damage, death, or other loss to myself or others. Some, but not all, of these Risks include: (1) Risks present in an outdoor environment. These risks include travel in high altitude (above 5,000 ft.) terrain, over land or water. Travel may be subject to storms, including strong winds, rain, lightning, hail, snow, sleet, and other precipitation; currents, waves, fast-moving water, or whitewater; changing water level; high or low water; hot, humid, or cold weather or water; rapid and unpredictable weather changes; avalanches; falling or slippery rocks; landslides; fallen timber; stinging, venomous, and/or disease-carrying animals, insects, or microorganisms; poisonous plants; wild animals; and other natural or man-made hazards. Hazards (both on land and in water) may not be marked or visible. Weather is unpredictable year-round. (2) Risks involved in judgment and decision-making. These risks include the risk that I, a Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen staff member/ambassador, a Volunteer, a co-participant, or other person may misjudge my (or others’, including the Volunteers’ own) capabilities, health, or physical condition, or misjudge some aspect of travel, instruction, medical treatment, weather, terrain, water conditions, water level, or route location. (3) Personal health and participation risks. My mental, physical, or emotional condition (including the use or abuse of alcohol or any prescription or non-prescription drugs), disclosed or undisclosed, known or unknown, combined with participation in Activities includes risks. Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen cannot anticipate or eliminate risks or complications posed by my mental, physical (including fitness level), or emotional condition, nor will Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen provide any medication, first aid, or other health-related assistance to me. (4) Risks associated with any outdoor or athletic activities. These risks include the risk that I may overestimate my abilities or fitness; be inattentive; lose control; trip; fall; or encounter other water/terrain/road/trail hazards; or fail to negotiate land or water conditions. (5) Risks connected with geographic location. Activities may take place a distance from medical facilities, causing potential delays or difficulties in communication, transportation, evacuation, and medical care. Although I, Volunteers, other participants, or others may have access to wireless communication devices (including cell or SAT phones), use of these devices in outdoor, mountainous, or any other terrain is unreliable and inconsistent. (6) Equipment risks. Equipment used in an Activity may break, fail, malfunction, or be misused. This risk includes my personal equipment or other equipment (whether purchased, borrowed, or rented). If I choose to bring and use my personal equipment, I assume full responsibility for choosing appropriate equipment and for the fit and condition of that equipment. Safety gear (such as personal floatation devices, ropes, first aid kits, etc.) may prevent or lessen injuries in some instances; however, use of safety gear, whether purchased, borrowed, or rented, is not a guarantee of safety, and injury can occur even with the use of this gear. (7) Risks regarding conduct. The potential that I, Volunteers, other participants, or third parties, may act carelessly, negligently, or recklessly. These risks may result in the Participant: falling to the ground or into water; being immersed in cold water; colliding with or impacting objects/people/equipment/rocks; getting caught or entangled in objects; experiencing vehicle collision, capsize, or rollover; reacting to high altitude, weather conditions, or increased exertion; becoming lost or disoriented; suffering gastrointestinal distress or allergic reactions; or experiencing other physical or emotional problems. These and other circumstances may cause heat- or cold-related illnesses or conditions (including hypothermia, hyperthermia, cold water immersion, frostbite, or heat exhaustion/stroke), dehydration, hyponatremia, drowning, high altitude sickness, heart or lung complications, broken bones, paralysis or other permanent disability, mental or emotional trauma, concussion, sunburn or other burns, infections, cuts, wounds, or other injuries, damage, death, or loss. I understand that Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen cannot assure my safety or eliminate any Risks. During all Activities, I agree that I share in the responsibility for my own and the group’s well-being and will take reasonable precautions to protect the group and myself by, among other things, providing and carrying my own Equipment, medications, and other supplies. I have access to information about Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen’s rules and policies, will obey such rules and policies, and acknowledge that Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen representatives are available should I have further questions about Activities and Risks. I will voluntarily participate in Activities with knowledge of the Risks; therefore, I agree to assume and accept full responsibility for the Risks (both known and unknown) of Activities, and assume and accept responsibility for any injury, damage, death, or other loss suffered by me, resulting from those Risks, including the Risk of my negligence or other misconduct. III. RELEASE AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT. Please read carefully. This Agreement contains a surrender of certain legal rights. Some United States federal land agencies may restrict organizations, like Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen, from seeking releases of liability for negligence, injuries, or other losses occurring while operating under permit on some federal lands. Except to the extent a court determines such restrictions apply to Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen as a matter of law, I AGREE: (1) To release and not to sue Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen with respect to any and all claims, liabilities, suits, or expenses (including attorneys’ fees and costs) (collectively “Claim” or “Claim(s)”) for any injury, damage, death, or other loss in any way connected with participation in any Activities, including my use of any equipment or vehicle. With this release, I understand that I agree to waive all Claim(s) I may have against Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen, bind my estate and any family member/heir/other party from bringing such Claim(s), and agree that neither I, nor anyone acting on my behalf, will make a Claim against Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen as a result of any injury, damage, death, or other loss suffered by me; (2) To defend and indemnify (meaning to protect by reimbursement or payment) Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen with respect to any and all Claim(s) brought by me or on my behalf by my children, my spouse, my other family member(s), my heir(s) or estate, a co-participant, a volunteer, or any other person for any injury, damage, death, or other loss in any way connected with my participation in any Activities, including my use of any equipment or vehicle. This Release and Indemnity Agreement includes Claim(s) of, or resulting from, Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen’s negligence (but not its gross negligence, or willful and wanton misconduct), and includes Claim(s) for personal injury or wrongful death (including Claim(s) related to emergency, medical, drug and/or health issues, response, assessment, or treatment), property damage, loss of consortium, breach of contract, or any other claim. MEDICAL PROXY AND COSTS. With my signature below, I authorize Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen staff, Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen contractors, Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen volunteers, and/or any medical personnel to obtain or provide medical care for me, to transport me to a medical facility, and to provide treatment that the relevant party considers necessary for my health. I agree to pay all costs associated with such medical care and transportation. I also agree to the release (to or by Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen) of any medical records necessary for treatment, referral, billing, or insurance purposes. OTHER PROVISIONS. Applicable Law and Dispute Resolution: I agree that Georgia substantive law (without regard to its “conflict of laws” rules) governs this Document. Any dispute I have with Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen and all other aspects of my relationship with Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen, contractual or otherwise—including any dispute subject to mediation, lawsuit, or any other proceeding—must be filed or entered into in Lawrenceville, Georgia. I agree to attempt to settle any dispute (that cannot be settled by discussion) through mediation before a mutually acceptable Georgia mediator before filing a claim in court or pursuing other legal action. Media Release: I grant to Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen and/or its agent(s), the right and permission to photograph, film, and/or otherwise capture my name, image, voice, written statement, photograph, and/or visual likeness (collectively “Images”), without compensation to me. Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen may use Images in any media throughout the world in perpetuity, including in broadcasts; for sale, reproduction, or display on the internet; in publications; and/or for any informational, educational, advertising, promotional, or other use. Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen retains all ownership rights and copyrights in the Images. I waive inspection or approval rights with respect to any Image(s). Severability: This Document is intended to be interpreted and enforced to the fullest extent allowed by law. If any portion of this Document is found unlawful or unenforceable, such finding shall not affect the remaining provisions, and those remaining provisions shall continue in full force and effect. This Document replaces and supersedes any former “Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen Acknowledgment and Assumption of Risks, Release, and Indemnity Agreement” signed by me. This Document is effective in regard to my enrollment or participation in all Activities from the date signed until a subsequent “Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen Acknowledgment and Assumption of Risks, Release, and Indemnity Agreement” is signed by me, and shall remain in full force and effect for all Activities I complete until that time. AGREEMENTS. I have carefully read, understand, and voluntarily sign/agree to this Document and acknowledge that it shall be effective and legally binding upon me, my children, spouse, other family members, and my heirs, executors, representatives, subrogees, assigns, and estate.

6. COVID-19 Liability Waiver

I acknowledge the contagious nature of the Coronavirus/COVID-19 and that the CDC and many other public health authorities still recommend practicing social distancing. I further acknowledge that Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen (Trimble & Ajayi LLC) has put in place preventative measures to reduce the spread of the Coronavirus/COVID-19. I further acknowledge that Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen (Trimble & Ajayi LLC) cannot guarantee that I will not become infected with the Coronavirus/Covid-19. I understand that the risk of becoming exposed to and/or infected by the Coronavirus/COVID-19 may result from the actions, omissions, or negligence of myself and others, including, but not limited to, Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen (Trimble & Ajayi LLC) staff, and other Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen (Trimble & Ajayi LLC) members and their families. I voluntarily seek services and attend events hosted by Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen (Trimble & Ajayi LLC) and acknowledge that I am increasing my risk to exposure to the Coronavirus/COVID-19. I acknowledge that I must comply with all set procedures to reduce the spread while attending an Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen (Trimble & Ajayi LLC) event. I attest that: * I am not experiencing any symptom of illness such as cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fever, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, or new loss of taste or smell. * I have not traveled internationally within the last 14 days. * I have not traveled to a highly impacted area within the United States of America in the last 14 days. * I do not believe I have been exposed to someone with a suspected and/or confirmed case of the Coronavirus/COVID-19. * I have not been diagnosed with Coronavirus/Covid-19 and not yet cleared as non-contagious by state or local public health authorities. * I am following all CDC recommended guidelines as much as possible and limiting my exposure to the Coronavirus/COVID-19. I agree with the terms of this Covid-19 Waiver. I have tested, with a NEGATIVE Covid-19 result, within the past 48hrs of any Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen event I attend. I hereby release and agree to hold Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen (Trimble & Ajayi LLC) harmless from, and waive on behalf of myself, my heirs, and any personal representatives any and all causes of action, claims, demands, damages, costs, expenses and compensation for damage or loss to myself and/or property that may be caused by any act, or failure to act of the community, or that may otherwise arise in any way in connection with any services received from Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen (Trimble & Ajayi LLC). I understand that this release discharges Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen (Trimble & Ajayi LLC) from any liability or claim that I, my heirs, or any personal representatives may have against the community/social network with respect to any bodily injury, illness, death, medical treatment, or property damage that may arise from, or in connection to, any services received from Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen (Trimble & Ajayi LLC). This liability waiver and release extends to Sweet Exchanges Guaranteen (Trimble & Ajayi LLC) together with all owners, partners, volunteers, ambassadors, and employees.