
Community Purpose

Welcome to Sweet Exchanges! We’re so glad to have you and can’t wait to meet you. In the meantime, here’s a collection of information and tips to help you make the most of your experience in this community. However, the best way to learn about Sweet Exchanges is to dive in— add friends, join groups, participate in discussions, start new conversations on the timeline, and much more. 😀

The Basics:

What is Sweet Exchanges?

Simply put, Sweet Exchanges is a social network created by a Karen Mishkin (link Karen) and Ben MIshkin (link Ben) for all ______. 

Who is Sweet Exchanges For?

– At least 18.
– You are
– You are Descent.
– You are 
– We haven’t previously disabled your account for violations of our Terms or Policies.
– You are not prohibited from receiving our products, services, or software under applicable laws.